What to know about small breeds dog

Small Breed puppies, like Cavapoochons, are amazing. Their attractiveness is obvious: Cute, Cuddly, Loyal, and they don’t take up much room. Amazing, right?! Not to mention the allergy-friendly component.

But raising a small breed pup is different than raising a large breed pup. Let’s talk about why.

Emotional Needs

The emotional needs of a small breed dog vary widely - as widely as their looks do! A Bassett Hound has little in common with a Bichon Frise, if you know what I mean.

While I cannot claim to be an expert on all small breeds, I can tell you about my beloved Cavapoochon puppies. Here’s what you need to know about these Teeny puppies with Huge hearts.

  • They need love and attention daily. Companionship is their superpower, and while they vary in their amount of SASS, these pups need a lot of love and affirmation.

  • They are eager to please you, and generally yield quickly to scolding. I do not believe in avoiding negative consequences for puppies; on the contrary, a trained puppy is a happy puppy (as they say). BUT these little nuggets of love are so quick to yield to your correction, that you need to be careful not to overdo it.

  • They feed off your mood. If you are anxious, they will be, too.

  • The Zoomies are real. (YouTube it, if you’re unfamiliar and in need of a laugh.) These pups need to “show-off” a bit. Enjoy it. It’s part of their charm.

  • “Separation Anxiety” varies from pup to pup, but a vigilant owner can mitigate almost all inconvenience. There are tools at your disposal, especially, make them LOVE their crate. If it’s not a “bad place” they won’t be as anxious to be there. A cuddle pal with heartbeat (a toy, readily available) or (GASP!) a second puppy is almost always a good idea.

Dietary Needs

Cavapoochon puppies are not always highly food motivated. They can often sneer at a food they’ve loved for months, or decide they don’t need the extra calories for a day or more. Don’t worry. They won’t starve to death - they’re just finicky eaters. What this means for you, though, is that it’s imperative that you provide EXCELLENT nutrition to them and supplement with a multivitamin. (Hands down, no doubt, NuVet is the best. Ask me for more info.)

There is always the occasional Cavapoochon that is a big eater. Don’t worry about that, either. Just keep an eye on their weight as those extra lbs can lead to more problems than a big belly.

Happy Giggle Tails Puppy at play

Exercise and Stimulation

Even though these little pups don’t seem on the surface like they’d be avid hikers, they still are not the laziest bunch. They tend to get more mischievous when left inactive for long periods of time.

Access to engaging toys, chew treats, a “puppy-proof” home to reduce frustration, and a daily walk or two will keep a whole bunch of that frustration at bay. If your puppy seems rambunctious, a round of exercise or a nap is probably in order.

Good Giggle Tails Puppy, learning to stay


Since this breed rarely cracks the 18-20 pound mark, it’s easy to think you have things under control. They are on a leash, after all, and how much harm can they really do?

The fact is that a puppy on a leash does not equal a trained puppy. You and your pup will both find each other MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE if there are some well-defined and consistently applied boundaries.

Whatever rules you make, make them:

  • Reasonable

  • Possible to enforce

  • Clear

  • Consistent

I promise - this will pay off with interest.

Eager to please, our Cavapoochon pups have our hearts

Ok, but, specifically, potty training

Anyone who tells you that potty-training/house-breaking a small breed dog is the same as a large breed dog is either misinformed or lying.

These sweet pups have bladders and bowels a *fraction of the size of their large breed canine counterparts. This means more frequent potty breaks, more accidents, and that more patience is required.

Before you give up on these amazing pets, consider this: All pups eventually “get it” if their family is diligent and consistent. There are tips for this! (I’ll do an additional blog post on this very thing soon!) In short, be sure to cover ANY smell - puppies return to the scene of the crime - and consider a puppy litter box. They have come a long way, baby, and it may be the solution to all your woes. At least, all your puppy house training woes.

Sweet and Happy - Cavapoochons are the BEST

Interested in a Giggle Tails Puppy? Check our upcoming litter pages or email us here at: giggletails@gmx.com

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A Mini Best Friend


Pippa’s beautiful puppies are here!