Grooming a Doodle

The BIGGEST difference between a doodle and a purebred dog is, without a doubt, GROOMING.

Doodles require brushing, dematting, and trips to a professional groomer. (Or you can learn yourself!) What I have to say about the importance of combing and dematting can be summed up in this meme:

Meme about a bad haircut

If you do not keep up on your dematting duties, your groomer will have no choice but to shave the pup down to almost nothing. (They feel like felt after a shave.) They can’t use the clippers through the matts, as it would jam the clippers and hurt your pup. Dematting usually needs to be done at least 1-2 times per week, but the more frequently you do it, the quicker the process will go.

I will link here to a video showing you how to use a dematting comb. I promise, it will be so worth it if you want to keep your doodle’s coat looking clean, soft and fluffy!

You should take your pup to the groomers every 6-8 weeks, like a human haircut. If you like the long and shaggy look, you can go further between appointments, but be sure you keep those matts from collecting under the fur!

Do you have any favorite dematting combs or/grooming tools for your doodle?


What’s the difference between an F1 and an F1b or F2 Doodle? What does that mean for an Irish Doodle? We are here to help answer that.


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